Originally Posted by
Spam will be ignored if is followed by a useful message(in the same post).
This right here, is probably the most important point made so far about spam. If your post is not spam and has a proper informative message to the clan, you can feel free to write "I'm going to bed" or "I just had to clean up cat shit" or whatever the fuck.
Remember PMs exist for a reason.
So anyway, four 'X' system sounds great. I'm not 100% sure on what you mean though, so here's a list of questions to make sure I leave nothing uncovered:
Is it first spam gets 1 X and the first punishment, or is it a three strike rule that gets you the first X? Can you ever earn back an X? If so how long will it take? Is the spam just decided on by any co-leader or above?
There's also a problem there in that the co-leaders don't have the password to Fyrebank and therefore can't edit the first post, so the only one able to place an 'X' is a leader.
Man, I got the name "Spm" from the word "Spam" which I was nicknamed on the first forum I ever frequented (long story, but it wasn't because I spammed a lot). It's fucking weird to see everyone saying "SPAM MUST STOP" or "SPAM IS DISGRACEFUL" :D
Someone applied, give him some answers please:
Last edited by SpmSL; Nov 8, 2011 at 01:22 PM.