I feel like shit everytime I wake up before school. Also I'm always col when I just wake up.
I'm really tired all this month. Complicated trainings and stuff. I come home at 23:00 and shitloads of homework awaits, etc. But still I keep remaining active.
Also doing homework till 2 in the night is just so frustrating. Can't wait for 18th November. Latvia's b-day. 3 days off.
I spend all my energy on trainings and come home really tired. I'm just so enthusiastic about dancing that I can't take a break from it.
So yeah that's my story. Also share your everyday life experience.
I wrote this at 0:32 :D
And Dog sleep more if you are sick. Helps a lot actually. When I feel bad I go to sleep when I don't have school or trainings or inspiration to play cs 1.6.