Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Your opinion on the merge
I love the idea, I'm looking forward to it.
14 Votes / 53.85%
I like the idea but I see some issues with it.
1 Votes / 3.85%
I'm undecided, I see some good and bad aspects.
1 Votes / 3.85%
I don't hate it but it doesn't seem like an overall good idea.
1 Votes / 3.85%
I hate it, it's a terrible idea.
9 Votes / 34.62%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Originally Posted by Rageful View Post
Stop talking about the merge already and do it, sheesh.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the cave... Settle down grumpy.

And Shmevin how is [coffee] feeling about the whole thing?
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the cave... Settle down grumpy.

And Shmevin how is [coffee] feeling about the whole thing?

Originally Posted by Rainbowz
Somone woke up on the wrong side of the cave...

Originally Posted by Rainbowz
And Shmevin how is [coffee] feeling about the whole thing?

To tell you the truth my whole clan is good with this. We all think this is an excellent idea and we want this to happen.
Last edited by Shmevin; Nov 16, 2011 at 07:26 AM.
Yeah, so I guess after all this, the point that remains is... when is it happening, is there a scheduled time or...? Let me know.

I'll be in IRC if anyone needs to contact me.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Thanks Rage and Rain for making the excecutive descion for all of us. Thank you, so so much.

We haven't settled the main issue, and supposing that is resolved, we still have arrangements to be made.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
Thanks Rage and Rain for making the excecutive descion for all of us. Thank you, so so much.

We haven't settled the main issue, and supposing that is resolved, we still have arrangements to be made.

And what would the main issue be exactly?
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I think this is a horrible idea.

Simply because Coffee is coffee and one is one.

To change that would kill the clan.

If it happens I will watch it die slowly.

Any clan with Math as leader, will never die. And... Noah? Are you ok? Will you really agree with that? Can we celebrate with fireworks, and lots of beer?
Originally Posted by Silku View Post
I think this is a horrible idea.

Simply because Coffee is coffee and one is one.

To change that would kill the clan.

If it happens I will watch it die slowly.

Says the man/woman who joined coffee in November.