Originally Posted by Fo0dC0uRt View Post
2. GMT:GMT+7
3. how many your post:179
4. activity in forum (0/10):10
5. activity in game (0/10):10
6. why you want join this clan:This Clan is Amazing and this new clan and ican help this clan
7. good in( art, game)
8. mods favourite:wushu

Rest In Pieces
belt:brown belt
alt accounts:deathtipz
best mods: wushu,twin swords, and judo
why you want to join:i want to join because i am on alot mostly every day even holidays.i also want to join because i can be a talented player.
online activity 0-10:8 mostly
fourm activity 0-10:6
belt:brown belt
alt account: deathtipz
best mods:wushu,twin swords and judo
why you want to join: i want to join because i am on most of the time on the game i am also a talented player.
online activity 0/10:9
fourm activity 0/10:7
i messed up twice lol
just read first i keep messing up
Last edited by deathbycats; Nov 24, 2011 at 11:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello all
this is sentinel.
Im making a free irc channel for you guys.
This is a tut i compiled for that irc.


Everything you need to know is in there.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Belt: Brown.
Qi: 501
Alt accounts: Obamas.
Timezone: Eastern
Best Mods: Aikido and Running
Why you want to join: I could be a very good help.
Online Activity 1/10: 8
Forum Activity 1/10: 8