looks nice!
raider or virdian would go with it
Last edited by Sentinel; Nov 22, 2011 at 02:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
You guys' grammar stink like hairy armpits.

Your words to us stink like hairy armpits :3 .
/me opens google translate
And Sirko, give some work on the forehead, its a bit squashed-like :/
we rub a mexican monkey
Originally Posted by Sentinel View Post
Akmal i can grammar up.

Now I highly respect you for calling me Akmal instead of akmal.

/me gently bows
Originally Posted by MpoNori View Post
Seems you must wander around here more, Lorr.
FYI, Sirko's alt is Stich.

Hmmm i did not know that :?

Plus Sham was right in a way, you guys are spamming alot and really I'm finding it irritating going through a bunch of messages that just say someone is gay x1000.
Made by Fenris
We gotta do something against the spam.From now on,I will delete every spammy post.
Also,look at your grammar.
You do realize your going to spend approximately 1000 hours a day looking through the various SyN threads for spammy posts and you'll probably end up with about 5 posts once your done deleting all of them.

Edit: Also just somthing random because im bored...
Last edited by Muse; Nov 22, 2011 at 04:53 PM.
Made by Fenris
Yes, I will.
Also Kevin is probably going to delete this anyway so this doesn't make much sense. Unless...

Has anybody once made a bucket list?
Slaughter no i have not, yet the idea appeals to me.
Grammar up and less spam?
Before when we had less spam, threads could go for a day without any replys.
This made it hard for someone who wanted to know something, or asked a question. At least if you have spam, people stay on the forums longer, and you will most likely get a myrid of answers in a short time span, they may not be as high quality as Pre-spam syn, but at least you get answers.

Kevin Moderated Message:
This is a perfect example of a good post \o/
Last edited by Kevin; Nov 22, 2011 at 08:52 PM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard