Original Post
MOAR REPLAYS from meh :D
here are some MOAR replays, not as shiney and good as other peoples replays are, but decent I THINK.

Uke kicked to piece' speaks for itself
Solid kick in the head.rpl i tried being a lil bit original here and used hands to push tori upwards and farwards
pwnt.rpl shows the power of propoer chest movement with wrist movment
Proper hook punch.rpl
decaping with a hook:


is a BASH with teh HEAD
Attached Files
uke kicked to piece's.rpl (157.3 KB, 18 views)
solid kick in the head.rpl (90.9 KB, 13 views)
pwnt.rpl (101.2 KB, 12 views)
Proper hook punch.rpl (52.2 KB, 12 views)
head bash.rpl (19.3 KB, 12 views)
wtf, i wanna know what people think, WRITE SOMETHING BOUT TEH REPLAYS
even if they sux, write that they SUX
dont just ignore meh here