View Poll Results: Alliance with Inq?
Yes, Ally with inq
15 Votes / 65.22%
No, do not ally with inq
8 Votes / 34.78%
Voters: 23. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Alliance with inq?
Well inq is one of the more prominent clans today, and from experience I know that they're a good clan to have as an ally. They have a good rep, good experience and good members. And light has requested an alliance between inq and sheep. Please vote whether we should or not. Post a reason as to not ally with them also.
Meh, aliances are useless.
only war is fun
i mean.. how does a alliance help us? we have friends anyway and we know that and they know that so i dont see why we would need one.

juo has spoken
juo: We can have friendly wars with other clans. Also, friendship rocks. *holds hands with Light and pirate, and dances round in circles in a flowerbed with birds, butterflies and pink vomit*

I say yes.
Originally Posted by juo View Post
The Leader and the Co-Leader
Selected once every two months. They can:
-Veto parliament's decisions. They cannot veto decisions to be removed from their position though, and neither can they veto another parliament veto.
-Declare war and make allies.

3vi1 and I have spoken! :O

Alliance with the Inquisition is instated!
Who the hell said no >_<

of course we need an alliance with inq, I am sure we will not have any more objections -_-
The Leader and the Co-Leader
Selected once every two months. They can:
-Veto parliament's decisions. They cannot veto decisions to be removed from their position though, and neither can they veto another parliament veto.
-Declare war and make allies.

"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Just vote. If there's a 75% majority against them, the decision is overruled...although I think that's a lost cause by now :P