Christmas Lottery
Application form
Hi, my Qi is 304 (hmm, apparently my victory rate is 50%), making me a blue belt.
I have been a member of no clans.
I'd like to join NEWB because I'd like to gather with new players and familiarize myself with the inner workings of the game, such as the different fighting styles, techniques, strategies, mods, events, ranks, etc. OK so that's basically plagiarism, but it sums up my reasons perfectly!

I have no problem with the 50tc entry fee, but since D0mination is at camp - who should I send it to?
  • LRG
  • shyeagle97
  • SP1DEY999

Any of the above? Should I await his return? Thanks.
Belt = Blue
Qi = 413
Previous clans = None
Reason I want to join NEWB = It's in my name for god sake!
Last edited by N3WB; Jul 4, 2008 at 06:06 PM. Reason: Found out meh qi
*white belt, 0 qi
*no clans
*i was looking at other clans for a while, then tried online battles, and found that i suck...bad. So i thought NEWB would be the one for me!

btw, quirkyjim sent me
Your Belt and/or Qi. White
List Any Toribash clans you've been a member of. None
Why do you want to join NEWB? Because i've been hearing of this clan from diltoriya ur former member i think
* Your Belt and/or
* List Any Toribash clans you've been a member
* Why do you want to join NEWB?cause im new and i need help and i think its time for a clan
previous clans:n/a
i want to join to be in a clan and learn some new moves and become better at some different fighting styles.
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