Clan Story: In a not to distant past, chaos ruled the lands. Multiple clans fought rampantly over little or no respect among themselves, and no clan showed any real potential. Out of this quagmyre of random violence, a small group of strangers emerged. They had vowed allegiance to each other and the development of a true perfect style. And nobody would ultimately stand in their way.
To join the clan they had to endure horrendous trials of perserverance and courage, and would all be left with the mark of the Unkown; the [x].
Forever reassuring them in the wisdom and traditions of the clan, and striking awe and terror into the hearts of those who had still to learn about
The Unknown
How to Join: You will need to be Recruited by myself and if you do well enough then you may join
Members List
Leader-Kriskoree- 2nd Dan
Jabulon- 9th Dan
BA11EY07- 7th Dan
Unnoo00- 2nd Dan
Buckeld- Black Belt
Titans- Black Belt
Clan Aim
To become one of the most well known and best clans out there. A clan that everyone will want to join.
Rules- Don't Disrespect
- Be Active on forums
- Make sure your going to be Trustworthy
- Have Fun
If you break any of those rules you will be kicked from the clan
Ps If I made any errors or there are any changes in belt ranks PM me
Last edited by Kriskoree; Jul 7, 2008 at 07:35 AM.