I suck at single player randomness. Can anyone help me improve this one? Give me tips? I wanna be a better player , I do not how to throw xD, can anyone teach me how to aim? Just a request :3 btw the fail throw at the end of the replay is my trying to do a roll and throw the leg at uke xD
fakeyhardkilleg2: damn i dont liked it you could have done a boomhit at the last kick and i dont liked the opener and you should have made a madman replay That replay looks damn easy overall i'll give you 4/10
I know, I suck lol, I never made replays before just make textures(which I'm bad at) and play judo lol, 4/10 not bad for a first (maybe second) time ^^ btw what is a boomhit?
sauce: as always nice replay
really enjoyed the "uke bed"
and nice dms
here is a replay i did some time ago...
i know.. i could have done more... but mehh
also welcome to the clan katsudon