[QA]Gold Blood and Gold Ghost
One half of hampanity... Gold is for the wealthy and those who partake in the worship of the god [MAD]Hampa.
Starting Bid: 3000tc
Minimum Raise: 200tc
Autobuy: 5000tc
Leader: DarkG with 4500tc
Starting Bid: 3250tc
Minimum Raise: 250tc
Autobuy: 8000tc
Leader: DarkG with 4500tc
Note: Does not have any in market and the price is 11.6k on ToriShop.
AUCTION ENDED. DarkG is the winner of both auctions.
Both Auctions ends in 14 hours after
this post.
Last edited by Foley; Jan 6, 2012 at 04:47 AM.