View Poll Results: Which of Nikag's text effect should we use for the video?
Option 1 (itsbruce)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 2 (dagreja)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 3 (theultimatum)
14 Votes / 77.78%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by kayateya View Post
Spm, Care to join us again? :D

Nah man
I'm co-leader of [Frost] now (who are coincidentally allied with you guys)

I still check this thread everyday and read pretty much every post. I don't post everyday because I don't want to make useless posts and I don't want to give advice that could make me sound like a cunt :D

Great to see your activity is still up by the way.
Last edited by SpmSL; Jan 9, 2012 at 12:33 AM.
Originally Posted by dagreja View Post
People who didnt make the deadline: RikazeMA, Loruhamah, bobme, v3l3n0, bradatron4, RXO0, FluzCraft, AoiNooB, DipperILBI, XxTHCxX, Boomertan, and Paulo033. Thats 12 people. Only 11 made the deadline.

Does that mean we have officially split the clan in half? If so, should we start recruiting?
No we havent split the clan in half. None of those people are going to be kicked(at least by me) it was just my assessment of the clans activity. Also, people who should be on probation for past inactivity(meaning that they recently came back this week and that if they dont keep the activity up, then they are kicked: fusionman and chunkz. and technically poppo and possibly ulti(never mind, he has posted somewhat consistently but not often) because they both only have one post each(k, maybe like four) in the past like 8 pages.
Last edited by dagreja; Jan 9, 2012 at 03:30 AM.
loru.. he's an exception.
and anyways, is anybody online? people are never ingame anymore. but is there any pcomming events coming up?
i like cats
I know there are some people that are exceptions and i know why but it was just a general assessment.
By events do you mean fyre events? No, but there should be. If you mean events in general, just go to the events forum.
Bluflame, why would we test you. You have no respect, you spam, and you only have 2 posts. Also, can someone explain to me what's going on in this clan now. People are saying that the clan has split. Most people in this clan don't even post at all so, what's going on with that. For this clan to become official, we everyone needs to be helpful and active.
really, a lot of people have gone to other clans. such as spm going to frost, febreze... i dunnp. hobomoose gone. hlm gone, zeb gone, and a LOT that don't post at all.

anyways, if i can have the ok from kaz, what shoul we do for an event? can you all pm me some ideas? like a gift drop, a buncha clan wars (AFTER WE GET SOME PRACTICE) or even a raffle?
i like cats
I think that we have done enough "Activity Checks" because its usually the same people each time. To answer your question gfoshow, this clan is not divided, just in a rut. The people that don't post are usually the inactive ones, which I think only joined Fyre because they went through a Toribash "Phase" and just moved onto another game.
i vote we just flat out kick them. gone. kersploosh. throw em into the water with bricks tied to their feet. anyways, austin is right.
i like cats
Originally Posted by itsbruce View Post
i vote we just flat out kick them. gone. kersploosh. throw em into the water with bricks tied to their feet.

I have to say that I agree. They haven't been on in way too long, kick them.

The clan hasn't technically split, it's just been gradually deteriorating. It's coming back together recently, as far as I know no-one's left and the ones that are still here and definitely active.

I advise you guys to get in the IRC or create an organisation for event planning. Event wise, a tourney would be good. You could allow allies to compete if you think that few Fyre members would show up, but if you get 4 or 5 definite yeses and Poppo/Ulti can be there to compete/supervise a tourney would be a great event for the clan.