Original Post
[R]equesting Hands Textures
In Hunter/Adamantiun color..
Last edited by Morbid; Jan 23, 2012 at 12:26 AM.
size please? I can do a nice pair do be delivered within a few hours for at least 6-7 k.


this is only an example of course, for 6-7k a lot more detail will be added according to what you want.
If you want something as basic as the ones in the photo then i can give it to you for 4k.
Originally Posted by Market Rules
B) Try to explain what you want is as much detail as you can, in both post and thread title, and always include what your budget is.

C) Descriptions:
.....I) Describe what colours you want, and what resolution (size) you want the image(s) in.
.....II) Avoid words like 'cool' or 'detailed', as they don't tell the artist anything.
.....III) Works like 'rough' and 'smooth' are useful.
.....IV) Styles like 'vector' or 'painted' help allot as well.

Please edit your post within 24 hours to have a description of what you want or I will close this thread.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars