Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Which of Nikag's text effect should we use for the video?
Option 1 (itsbruce)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 2 (dagreja)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 3 (theultimatum)
14 Votes / 77.78%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Poppo, we really need you to be more active. I mean, I could handle the clan by myself (and quite frankly it feels like I have been), but since you are stil lcounted as a leader, it seems... Odd... For me to make decisions myself without your input. I honestly think you need to be more active. It would be VERY helpful to the whole clan.

Also, yeah the posts from chop made me laugh.


EDIT: Dag, use /opt uke 0 and /opt blood 0 on this for mj's intro.
Attached Files
mj intro vid.rpl (65.9 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by FyreBank; Jan 26, 2012 at 06:39 PM.
K. Ill change the ending little section of mj's replay though(while in midair) so that i have a good spot to stop the replay and have a freezeframe, otherwise it wouldnt look all that good with just him flipping and stuff.
Also, KAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. You are my hero. Butihateyouwhydidntyoutellmethisbeforeididallthatw ork
Ahem. Just ignore that last little bit :P
Oh and kaz, post all your old laser replay things. I might be able to use them for an intro(that goes for everyone else too)
EDIT: WOW. JUST WOW. Toribash runs so much smoother without all the HUD. So now the shader i will use is called pirate_nox_vamp. Turn on shaders and press ctrl+h(or go to the shaders menu) and load that shader. If you cant, its a black sky and the floor is a fire red color. Its rather delicious. A special thanks to kaya for the whole opt hud thing. Gonna save a bunch of time.
EDIT EDIT: K. Finished the edit on mj's replay. I didnt really change much. Mostly just made him relax all in the last 40 frames. Anywho, expect to see both my new edited intro and mj's intro. Also, we need to decide whether or not the fraps watermark is okay.
Last edited by dagreja; Jan 27, 2012 at 01:38 AM.
The laser replays are from 3.91 though. I'll post them, but how will you work with them? In 3.91? Anyway, good job dag, love the background you picked. Keep up the great work man. Also, I'll go do a flip or something soon for my intro too maybe perhaps we'll see....

EDIT: I lied we cant do the laser thingy because they're all on my brother's computer which was destroyed by my mother. They should be in the thread, though. Use the attatchment tool thingy and it shows you all attachements.
The shader looks cool. I think you should try looking at Night and zane_pain or whatever. Those look good as well. I would like to request an alliance on behalf of the fact that I am Ulti's cousin. So yeah.
What attachment tool thingy? Can you do if for me? Ill sift through my 3.91 replays to try and find it, i think i saved them. 3.91 replays are still compatible with any other newer versions. The main difference between 91 and 94 is the server jump. And even then, you can add the server files into the 3.91 code and run it on the new servers and it works, and so do all the other versions.
EDIT: Thats twice now that youve ninja'd me atra. :P
I accept. Just contribute and stuff. And im using other shaders as well, just im using that one for intros.
Don't mean to interupt randomly during your discussion but hey....ken07 here.... requesting single alliance with [-Fyre]
K guys I'm heading in game. I dont wanna work on SP tonight while I have time for Mp. Ken, I need a reason to accept you. Also, I vote yes for Atra. He is already contributing quite nicely. Plus he's family... So yeah...

Dag, if you are not in the thread but looking at the page of threads (at Clan Discussion) you will see a little paper clip above the star rating. That attachment thingy.
First of all I thought I applied to be an ally of -Fyre last month. But somehow I didn't. Plus i know many of your members. I know the "history" between -Fyre and Zero is a little "shaky" but I hope to change some of your senior members views upon my clan and I. Sure it isn't really a reason for you to let me be an ally but I hope you consider to call me an ally. Either way, i don't care what yur decision is but know this....I've always been and always will be an ally of -Fyre even if your little thread here doesn't show it.

To theultimatum+poppo+ some senior members

i would like to be promoted to rank 6 because even tho i dont post that much i make up in-game and i have tried my hardest since day one of being a Fyre there was one point when people said i was the only one still playing with fyre and i should quit but i didnt let them talk me out of the clan but i am meant to be in fyre for life
Last edited by mjishere123; Jan 28, 2012 at 12:17 AM.
|10th dan| |Sicker than the remix| |So damn sick of being so damn sick| |Doing it better than you could in your dreams|
I had forgotten tristan was in your clan. Ah well. That doesnt bother me anymore. But anyway, just post here often and be helpful. THEN I'll add you to allies. I'll do the same to ur page(s) when I have time.