Events squad is an exception. you can go join it if you have a nice application form.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
ok, sounds good

free form go!

why would you want to join the events squad: well, i have a bit to offer to the events squad. my main one is to supply the prizes, im all for giving Kicks can confirm that ;) im decent at organizing things, but i best leave that for kicks/another member.

well, im not quite sure to add to that, there are many more things but, they dont concern in this matter.

feel free to ask Questions
Me wants to join the event hosting squad (yes I was too lazy to think about any application form, so i just stole our join application )

Age: 18
Belt (Minimum is black): 7th dan
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : very happy
Why do you want to join the event hosting squad and not another squad?(please explain in depth): Because I want to help hosting events :3
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : Noez
Do you accept, that you will get killed, if you abuse your squad position?: Damn.... eh... I mean sure
Favorite/Best Official Mod: lenshu3, running
Previous Squads(if any): Terror Squad
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any): OLDA, LFO
Location: Germany
Level of forum activity(Important!): 10
Number of Infractions:

I no haz replays to post
Last edited by Pitch; Feb 10, 2012 at 03:05 PM. Reason: ;D
Yes. Post some replays and I might change my decision to a manly "YEAH!".

Welcome to Events squad
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
I guess this is the place where the events squad can talk about their business?
anyways, after we finish up with Kicks Football event, we should take about 2 weeks break, we've be having events 1 after the next without at least a weeks break, can't really be bothered competing in event after event.

The next event after the 2 week break we have, I will be hosting, quite a different type of event to what we've been doing. A forum based event, I won't go through the details here and now, you'll see when i post it in about a months time. ;)