Ok, I just spent like halfan hour reading about 17 pages of imatureness from almost every single post. from ahbout 17 on, it was mor mature.
@Admins, some of you came across as the most imature yelling at every one, cussing them out, saying you was going to ban them if they kept it up. Why are you guys so pissed that the the next few days people are going to be active as hell watching this thread, getting updates and stuff. You guys shoul dbe happy that this thread is going strong (except the spam posts, get to that in a sec). Do you guys not relise all the different people that are now much more active here in the forums wacthing, waiting, lurking to see what happen from now till the 17th. Do you not relise how many of those people are potential costumers for nabi.
As they lurk they learn more about toribash. "Omg he could take you booster away or prime." He thinks, "hmm whats that?? Oh thats what one is.. I didn't know they had these, i am going to buy one. Thats another customer from nabi, all thanks to this thread. The one that you guys want to ban every one from and scare people from posting.
When was the last time that any of you guys have seen the community this excited about anything around here. I mean, people were excited about glich racer, 2vs2. But they were all a disappointment. Plus they weren't a secret, so it didn't get people even more excited.
@Every one else, don't just spam, make posts that count. Its the rules for gosh shakes. Make smart posts.
This thread has like 13 pages of OMGOMGOMGOahrf;uizdgfukufbOADSGFKDFGBf!!! *seizer* He is a hacker/ change this this and this.
About 4 pages of admins and people flaming at each other.
Then almost every one gets smart and acts sensible. They start putting ideas together about what might happen, they are not spamming, and every one is not flaming.
This guy has to be a nabi guy.
1. Veb said he fond his IP out. If he knew this and it was any one else, that would be an instant ban forever.
2. Veb said he could call him, but he was slightly drunk, so he wasn't going to. Well what about these past few days.
3. Nabi would of closed this thread and banning agentj forever. I don't care if he can unban himself or open the thread back up. I garentee you, they would keep doing doing it till it stoped.
4. Juntalis or some Admin from about page 3 three said they reopened the thread for some reason I don't remember now. If he was some big time hacker or whatever, why would they really reopen this?
5. AgentJ says the coming. The coming is more used to say that an item is coming, or in this case, glitch racer. I think its a nabi person geting people rilled up about Glitchracer coming out. If it was somthing mroe like a hack that was coming soon, then chances are, the title would have read "It's coming."
6. If he really was going to hack the hell out of Toribash, why would he warn every one, why would he let every and there brother know before it happened. A normal hacker would of hacked the hell out of Toribash right away without telling anyone.
7. Also, he said there was going to be no harm. That probably mean good will come from it, unless its supposed to make us not worry, then BAM! Hacks galore.
Any ways, that my opinion. I hope no one takes any of it the wrong way, becuase thats just how I feel about the topic. I have broken no rules posting this thread either.
Now I say every one continues the thread smart.
EDIT:: lol, 200th post.