Since kicks commented the replays i cant comment on any

Anyways here is 1 finished replay, and 2 WIPs (my first madmans ) also might will use Feel So Close for the replay competition, not sure yet.
Attached Files
WIP #6 (Me & You).rpl (206.0 KB, 8 views)
Pitch - Feel So Close.rpl (143.4 KB, 8 views)
WIP #7 1.2.rpl (121.4 KB, 6 views)
Feel so close - That was really nice! you improved on realism too! I think you are now an android just like your avatar ^_^ not anymore a complete robot.
Wip 7 1.2 - well you had that boom .... pow. you just need to add more dismember to make it a boom boom pow. if you know what I mean :> It was good all around it just didn't feel right when I thought you were short of one dismember
Wip me & you - Now thats what I'm talking about! A bit more polishing of your movements (Realism, twist, flashyness) and you gonna be a nice replay maker.

I like watching replays occasionally :3 Hope you guys get interested in replays too. you'll learn a lot from them ^^ Don't forget to comment too.

This'll be my last time not posting replays. I just want to encourage you guys to post your replays Now post it!
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
WIP #6 (Me & You) not bad but... WAY TOOOO stiff.. split was not bad first kick can be boom. this sedond one can be better and this last one MUST be boom :3
Feel So Close - start was nice but then its going so unrealism, and i think its can be more than decap
WIP #7 1.2 - looks like nom nom. that dont looks cool also no pose? D: u need to pose it.

now look at my selfsparr ;) and my first 3dm+5dm boom O:
Attached Files
#aadame - uke sparr 1.rpl (739.2 KB, 6 views)
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
Uke sparr - Not that much impressive but good job. You got lame when you decaped your self :P You should've moved uke so he would have a posing of some sort. U need to pose it.

Class M llama - Solid punch. If you were aming for realism you were shaky so that needs an improvement. but if not that was really good mad man.

These replays are the replays I used as an entry for SPARTA in which I got a YES from hours. I hope more members give me a yes :P
Attached Files
Spar-Kicks vs Jisse.rpl (662.4 KB, 9 views)
Spar-Kicks vs Tapri.rpl (649.2 KB, 11 views)
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Deleted ibd1jr and laOse's posts, since they did not follow the rules. And ffs, the rules are NOT that hard to follow.

@Gotkicks2: I'm assuming you were going for flow, so my comments will be based on that. Also, what reaction time do you usually set for spars ?

Spar with Jissie: Minor criticisms - your second step kinda jerked you in the wrong direction(I would advise that you hold the knee when the angle is ~45 degrees to avoid that) and the initial flailing of both arms didn't look stylish. Props for staying on your feet during most of the spar, but if you want your kicks to seem powerful, wait until your relaxed/held in contracted position knee passes the target and then extend(though I'm pretty sure you know that). The realism level was high, all in all it was a very good spar.
Spar with Tapri: Nice walk, but the first move looked like you covered up and rammed him Great recovery and momentum gathering after that(especially for the kick), despite you turning your back on him immediately afterwards. When you try to face someone, my advice would be to contract both glutes and use the chest and both pecs(one contracted, the other one extended) to spin around for one turn and reverse them on the next. It has worked for me several times and it prevents the incomplete spins that make some games look very weird. It also gives room for unexpected backfists. I think you had less reaction time on this one, but it's still great. Nice work

Do you guys know the day when a veteran member finally makes a decent singleplayer replay and puts it on this thread for all to see ? This ain't one of those days. Only multiplayer replays from me again =/ Do follow the rules and tell me what I can improve on them. I usually aim for replays which showcase technique/strategy, and not damage battles - and I try to grab very little( my goal is to make the person that grabs me dq him/herself), so watch out for that in the replays that seem unskillful. Either that, or they just suck. Either way, tell me
Attached Files
aik vs super.rpl (44.3 KB, 6 views)
len vs pitch1.rpl (32.9 KB, 5 views)
len vs pitch3.rpl (38.5 KB, 5 views)
len vs pitch4 tricks.rpl (88.4 KB, 6 views)
len vs pitch5.rpl (88.0 KB, 5 views)
lensh vs raging.rpl (90.7 KB, 5 views)
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
I don't know how to criticize you replays buuut... Your lenshu fights with pitcher were good the tactics you used were for pure winning. Killer styles xD Good for competitive fights I guess. :P I can't comment on them pretty well because I know these mods are not for show. All your movements was made to make you win I guess.

Recent spar with Lynx. This is epic! xD Must watch
Attached Files
Spar-Kicks vs Lynx.rpl (664.2 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Mar 3, 2012 at 08:35 AM.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Gotkicks, that's a nice spar. I love your second kick. : D You are very good at spars guys. :3
Also here's one of my newest spars. :3
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Lolman - Fight!.rpl (720.2 KB, 7 views)
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
The replay was good but its kinda sloppy buuut I think your fighting style is drunken xD it has somewhat a weird but good look. you were shaky and was always off balance. If you are using drunken style you should be semi off balance but not off your feet. as much as possible stay on your feet. I can see you are adept at controlling your tori so staying on your feet won't be much of a problem.

In sparring sometimes it is okay if you use your hands for balance but not always.

Another spar with Jisse this time
Attached Files
Spar-kicks vs jisse 2.rpl (662.8 KB, 5 views)
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
@Gotkicks: I love your fucking frontflip ! And because I am not better than you in spar, I do not see many things to improve,but if you had taken a pose
it could have had better

Hunter Running (Tapri & laoSe).rpl

Hunter Running Alone.rpl