To anyone who's been wanting to play with me ... room hunters is up once more

P.S: Yesterday I got the impression that a few members thought I was dead or something.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
It's still alive, /jo hunters
I saw that Gotkicks2 made a room, but he's no longer there and the room ghosted. Anyway, I would like to remind you guys of the commands that we should run every time we make a server, in case we ping or sh*t happens in some other way. I'm in the ghosted room right now, will be here for another 40 minutes or so.

Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
/desc ^02[Hunters] ^04 Room 
/minbelt 1000
/motd Welcome to the [Hunters] Room.Have fun and don't do anything stupid :)
/setowner T
Conditional : If a douche enters , /ban  <douchenamehere>
/desc = Sets the description of the room. ^02 Turns the color of the text red , ^04 turns it blue
/minbelt = minimum number of fights required for someone to enter.1000 is blackbelt
/motd = Message Of The Day.Informative text which appears when you enter the server.
/setowner = sets an owner password . When you type /owner T , you get opped.

Please use these commands when you set up a server. Minor modifications are okay and the minbelt is optional(I just like to set it to black belt so we can keep the games interesting).
Last edited by lordtiger; Mar 8, 2012 at 10:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: