View Poll Results: What Mod are you best at?
Akido (and Variants)
9 Votes / 47.37%
Wushu (and Variants)
5 Votes / 26.32%
TK (and Variants)
2 Votes / 10.53%
Lenshu (and Variants)
1 Votes / 5.26%
Wrestling (and Variants)
2 Votes / 10.53%
Ninjitsu (and Variants)
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll
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i am good at grapling in aikido (= if your pushing me to the ground i can easily flip you over)
Charbel262: Is it possible to make a flame... around the crotch area?
Qubic: Absolutely
Aikido's the only thing I'm good at now. Didn't play for around a year and now I can't wushu for shit. Not that I ever could. :P