Christmas Lottery
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[Solved]Ban/Infraction History
how do you check someone's Ban/Infraction History?
Last edited by Belshezzar; Mar 17, 2012 at 05:52 PM.
Yea, but I doubt they are allowed to share any of that information with you considering all infractions/bans are supposed to be private. I would assume you are wanting to know from an applicant or what ever. The only thing you can really do is take their word that they're not lying about their infraction/ban history.
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Go to this page and you'll see a tab labeled "Infractions" yours aren't visible to me but you should be able to see them since it's your profile

It should be next to the friends tab

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firstly that shows me some random persons profile.... secondly i wanted to know if i could find someone else's history, not my own