Originally Posted by Tylander View Post
The set looks cool apart from the torso area which doesn't blend very well and the eyes look like a copy and pasty job and look like a completely different style to the rest of the set

The body and feet are not done, just sorta fast made place holders, and I know... The eyes, they do look weird, and don't fit well, the odd thing is I made them first lol. Any Ideas on what I should do?
make the colour of the eyes blend a lil better with the rest of the set, I bit more grayish
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[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
como pinto no almoço
I was gonna post the replay but, fuck, such retarded post doesn't deserve so much energy used to click the mouse and post the replay.

Tylander: Loool didn't notice that blood thing. Nice
oh yeah