Originally Posted by
Wow dude, you must love female dogs. Don't worry man, nothing is wrong with having a fetish about female dogs, I don't judge ;)
Rep, I don't give two fucks about what people think of me
Love, overrated,fuck emotions
Money, super powerful gaming pc with every fucking game and all the DLC for them, also, unlimited pizza and cinnamon sticks.
I think my answer to the question is clear here :3
Originally Posted by
7k posts in under a year?
You've been busy.
And I'd go for money, respect seems to hard to attain these days.
7 021 posts in less than a single year? That's rather amazing, congratulations, I guess...
Honour and dishonour ties in with reputation, right? If the world of Quest for Glory was real, then I'd probably be a Paladin...
Also, for a computer to have every single game
with downloadable content, would have its side-effects. The computer would take longer to start up. And pizza
is one of the few things that is expensive in South Africa, along with other things (including
milk, which costs R16, I think), so money is seemingly more important than reputation. Also, getting respect is hard in some places, but not others.
If I have made anyone angry by accident, I apologize.