I'm rediculusly smart but extremely lazy
I love talking about phychology and other scientific discussions but I'd rather be trying to learn programing
I;m a whole lot of contridictions
I act happy and a bit crazy just because it's the way they are used to me even though i'm really a mellow person
I hate rap (thts a big one lol)
I use my imagination like freakin crazy and sora see things as if they were real
I sprta have a split persona (as in He doesnt have a name I call him it hes sorta the oppisite of me )
I can watch horror movies and shows but if I do I'm extremely paraniod at night and it uasually takes 2 waeeks for me to know its not real ...
I'm a bit of a sadist
I work best while listening to music
I like music when the words ans music blend nicly no matter the language or type (i.e countyr rock ,or rap)
and last but not least I can make it look like im not hurt when I am
(i.e someone once hit me hand while it was sitting on a table with a brick and i just looked up smiled and said what was that styrafome)
I could go on and on but I wont lol
lets just say that when says Im wierd I say yes,yes I am because being normal is boring
Last edited by takuzo; Mar 29, 2012 at 03:58 PM.