Age: 13
Belt (Minimum is black): Black
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : Very
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth): Well I left my clan, Frost, and I know you guys a lot and I feel like this clan will be more comfortable due to more members being my friends than in Frost...
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : Well, i wasn't recommended.. but i know almost everyone hereand almost everyone in here knows me
Have you read our rules,and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? Yes
Favorite/Best Official Mod: Classic i guess.. im really good at decaps and splits in classic
Special skills: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making.Can include any skills outside it): Skateboarding, Gaming, etc.
Examples of that skill(if applicable,at least 2 would be nice): Well i don't skate much anymore.. but i can drop a half pipe
Previous Clans(if any): Frost
Favorite Forum(if any): Don't have.. i like almost all the forums here...
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any): OSHI, (applied for ORMO, waiting for an answer), MMO-Move Makers Organization (my own org), TDS(Toribash Dance Squad), RSO(Rookie Sparrers Organization), and I think thats it...
Do you have an alternate account,and if so,what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : I have an account called FrostBets.. that was for betting servers in my previous clan.. i don't use it.. but i don't have any alts that are in different clans...
Location: South Africa
Level of forum activity(Important!): High (week days im sometimes not on because of school.. but it's 2 weeks holiday atm)
Number of Infractions: Well i don't have any current infraction points.. but in total i have 8 infraction points.. maybe 4 infractions or something...
Hope you liked my application
Last edited by Butler; Mar 27, 2012 at 08:09 PM.