Christmas Lottery
But these kinds of topic just makes everything much more exciting, don't you think?
Also, back from school.
Last edited by Kamura; Apr 9, 2012 at 09:05 PM.
Frost is pretty cool
School is so meh. There's only one reason why I go to school anyways.

Hawt girlz.

I'm lying.

It's to learn and hawt girlz
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
I find it funny how people complain about school as if the rest of the country's kids don't go to school just the same.
Tint is sex.
I was bored and I was getting frustrated with my writers block.
I ended up trolling for the last hour in IRC.

I really should never ever do that. (far to good)
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
Originally Posted by XWOLFz View Post
I was bored and I was getting frustrated with my writers block.
I ended up trolling for the last hour in IRC.

I really should never ever do that. (far to good)

No! You should do it again! Its whats keeping you sane!
Originally Posted by Shade PM
que achas de juntar a raku na syn, manter o nome syn e dar co-ldr powers ao lider da raku?

vou falar com o kevin para ver o que ele acha.

fala com o wolf, kamura e elvis


"What you think about merge raku and SyN? with the name SyN but co-leader powers to raku leaders
I'll talk with kevin, and you with wolf, kamura and elvis."

yeah, the translation should be anything like this.

dafuq is dat?