How to do Lesbo? .__.
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Originally Posted by raihan12 View Post
How to do Lesbo? .__.

Yo raihan. We're friends you know. And I mean no offence.
But Stop commenting on everything. Haven't you heard what anyone has told you? I'm not being mean or anything but please. Don't comment if it's not sensible or if you can't find that topic out on google.

Smack bitches

Googled, but I cant do Lesbo O.O
King, Thanks ma friend.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Tamashii View Post
I have a gay friend as well, met him as well (Not gay myself)...Pleasent guy, had some funny jokes and personality, I didn't really bother, just as long as he kept his distance and respected that I had an heterosexual attraction, and not homosexual.

Gay people are just fine, and you sohuld have nothing against them....Same goes for lesbian.

I've met few gays, and I've met few lesbians. Back then I was even in a relationship with lesbian (short story). They are same as hetero. You know what makes all think they are different? Stereotypes. Oh, and that seriously-fucked-up-homo-bitches-making-manifestations-and-shit. You are gay? OK - live with it, don't scream on street because nobody gives a fuck. It's like throwing rocks into hive and then wondering why all these mad bees bite you.
The gay person I was talking about is my math teacher.
One of the top 10 students in my class is a lesbo.
No kidding.

Yeah, no one will really gives a damn, its not a bad thing being a homo for them, as long as they don't disturb me or other people I'm okay hanging out with them.
Besides, lesbos are one of the best pr0n in the business.