Christmas Lottery
i turned on ccleaner and i cleaned 6Gb and then i deleted un-used files and other crap and freed 15gb, what else do i need?
this pic always make me laugh
if you play game called Persona you'll know why it is funny
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by LGOX View Post
i turned on ccleaner and i cleaned 6Gb and then i deleted un-used files and other crap and freed 15gb, what else do i need?

Game or things you do not use anymore.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
first of all you must free your OS-Disc from all unused things. This means the hard disc where your windows is installed, mostly it's C: .
After that you should optimize your system-start. To do so click Start>execute>type in: "msconfig.exe". After that you go to the folder "Systemstart" and uncheck all boxes which are displayed there. This denies every programm to start directly when you start your pc.

Next thing: have you already tried a defrag? If not, just check google, there are tons of defrag progs. Pick whatever you want.

Another great program to optimize your pc and gain more speed iss TuneUp Utilities. You can download the 15day free version there. Try it, it works great.

Concerning your anti-vir prob follow these steps:
download uTorrent
download this using uTorrent.
Follow the instructions in the manual and enjoy your new Kaspersky Internet Security.

If you got more questions, feel free to send me a pm of ask them here in public.
when i first see that comic i laughed about half hours
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
first of all you must free your OS-Disc from all unused things. This means the hard disc where your windows is installed, mostly it's C: .
After that you should optimize your system-start. To do so click Start>execute>type in: "msconfig.exe". After that you go to the folder "Systemstart" and uncheck all boxes which are displayed there. This denies every programm to start directly when you start your pc.

Next thing: have you already tried a defrag? If not, just check google, there are tons of defrag progs. Pick whatever you want.

Another great program to optimize your pc and gain more speed iss TuneUp Utilities. You can download the 15day free version there. Try it, it works great.

Concerning your anti-vir prob follow these steps:
download uTorrent
download this using uTorrent.
Follow the instructions in the manual and enjoy your new Kaspersky Internet Security.

If you got more questions, feel free to send me a pm of ask them here in public.

thx pal i was desperate,i am def(i don't mean i am deaf) gonna try it
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
@blacky: do you really need a translated version? it's just clicking download until it starts
if not:

@LGOX: what's the problem now?

Downloaded Count, my laptop have more free spaces now, even though they didn't reach 1 gb.. Thanks anyway
Btw I can download the German version, but I saw that the language is Germany, so probably I wouldn't understand it.
But it could choose the language after its downloaded. Stryker for troubling man. :/
no prob Blacky.
did you check the other possibilities with ccleaner?
You can easily delete unused programms like games or clean your registry etc.