Christmas Lottery
A tie between air humping behind the school dean with my friend and when LAPD had to put my school in lockdown cause of some killing. Best part of it was the whole orchestra found out guys have no diginity to pee in trashcan in a storage room.
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
Once in high school I was cheerfully sitting down waiting for my bus when some fags were walking down the street staring at everyone but their eyes lingered on me the longest and I knew I was screwed. So then they made their way toward me shouting insults and they were throwing stuff at me, then the biggest guy came and punched in the face. All this time I hadn't said anything to them or even looked at them funny.
When I had to take exams in order to enter highschool and saw the results..9,8/10 both to matemathics and Romanian(my native languace)
I have 2 from which i can't decide.

The first one requires some back story.
My parents are dealing with a tricky divorce, my father and sister both have strong autism, while me and my mum are very reserved, much like BenD i guess. I've never lost my temper, save this occasion (and one other time which, while is a pretty cool story, wasn't very tense).
It was a Wednesday around 6PM, and on the thursday i have an EEG. It's essentially a brain scan with various flashing lights and stimuli, for which i have to be sleep deprived. So that night i had to stay awake all night, while my whole family live together despite a very awkward divorce. Stresses were high and my dad was at boiling point.
Me, my mum and my sister were sitting at the dinner table, just eating a dinner as usual, when out of the blue my dad storms in banging around and shouting. Ranting about how he didn't deserve any of the supposed shit he was getting. By this he meant we weren't chatting to him like we normally would, surely an understandable side affect?
So yeah, he was shouting, banging stuff, making a lot of noise and making accusations about my mum and sister.
I couldn't bare it, no-one was saying anything, as in none of me, my mum and sister.
So i stood up, and shouted "shut the fuck up and get the hell out". Not only the first time shouting at the top of my lungs, but the first time i'd swore in front of my parents.
I guess it doesn't sound like a big deal when relaying the story, but at the time it felt huge.
Suddenly after that everything fell silent save the cutlery i'd thrown across the room at a window. I was standing, haunched over the table, and decided i'd had enough, and so i finally threw my chair across the room (more of a strong barge) and left. Just ran.
Felt good to let everything out of my system and i'd finally calmed down.
It feels weird even typing about it, may not sound very intense but it finally made my dad see i had a spine and i think i earned some respect from it.

the other story is thankfully somewhat shorter.
I was ill when i was around 7 with pneumococcal septicaemia. I was in hospital for a week or so and was in a coma for a few days in a critcal condition.
It was spreading to my brain so it caused hallucinations. Those were pretty intense...
The only one i really remember was that my room felt like a battlefield. Gunshots blazing all around, really surreal.
First stories better imo.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
I just remember 2 more intense moments. 1. When I was in Kindergarten,
It was the last day, we got freezies. We had to open them with scissors,
i got my finger litterally in half. didnt come off though.

2. When i was about 6 or 7, I was sleeping then all the sudden this guy came up to our door and knocked on it, he thought there was a party at my place.when my dad started saying "There is no party here" The guy started to kick our door and he kicked the lock off. My mom had to call the police, first time we have ever had to call the police. ( in my life, my mom probbly had to do it a bit before i was born)
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
when I was around 8 (already knew how to swim) mi dad accidently pushed me to a pool and he just told me swim , but idk why I could not swim I was alsmost drown then my dad pulled me off........So i got traumated for life afraid of water....(I don't know how to swim but I'm superating that, at least i can get in a pool but not too profund)
When I was on a deep pool and my arm got stuck on something, the thing is that I couldn't get out of it and I was drowning.
Finally I got balls to pull my hand with all my strenght (nothing) and I got out.
My arm was bleeding
"no sir i did not scam that player"
Recently when i was that 2 weeks in slovakia i got friends with a big group of gipsys, and nearly all of them (about 78%) feared my and had respect (idk why maybe because i looked dangerous). And one night there were alot of them around me and i talked stories about life in germany and slovakia. And if you tell bad things about gipsys they normaly start to beat the fuck out of you. But one day when i was telling stories i told them this: Someone always is ringing at my grandparents house and its a gipsy, and if i get that little fucking gipsy i swear to got i fuck his life. For a moment my heart was still because i was realy scared if they all fall over me but instead of that they kept having fear of me. I dont want to know what wouldve had happened if they knew that i was scared...

Also once when i was around 5 - 6 i was playing around with an axe from my grandpa. You know how the times were when you were playing around with stuff you find everywhere. So i took that axe and hit the axe with the sharp side onto the ground. The earth just jumped out like water because i was pretty strong for my age. So i decided to change the sides. And the flat side looked onto the ground and the sharp side was looking at me. With a swing i hit the flat side right onto the ground, the axe got stuck. When i tried to get the axe out with all my power i had the sharp side thrusted right into my head. It wasnt very deep but deep enough to see realy dark red blood coming out of my head. I went right after that to my grandmother (she was at the garden carrying the potatoes). And i told her i didnt feel good and told her also what happened, so she looked at my head and started to cry like "What happened to you?! Look at this!" she told me and showed me my blood. Right after that i knocked out and fell on the ground and from that on i dont know what happened.