1TheV quit your clan because he thought the way you treated us in the clan war was stupid. He then managed to join us(and I'm sure we all regret letting him do so). A week or so later he got kicked out of [Hunters] for doing stupid things and undermining our reputation. He then rejoined you and posted this on your thread:

"btw nox you should not requesting single ally:Hunters is like soviet union...worker folk and faeg leaders..
a message:Dear Hunters! Post here one more and we will report you. Thx
Btw we are not smartfaegs whos lick everyone's ass(not mean to every hunters member)
we will say what we think and not get to be obey of any rules ,btw I hope the ones who say everytimes '"shovlr go ffuuuufuukc yourself" ,will rotten in hell ."

Now if the man had managed to assemble a proper insult, we might have felt offended. Fortunately, he does not possess the intelligence necessary to do that.
Also, I'm pretty sure it was you who flamed us and claimed that we shovel, clap and do all sorts of retarded shit in order to win - without any evidence, probably thinking of excuses for losing the clan war. Anyone who has played with us knows that we condemn that sort of behavior, and we even have a douche list that is meant to keep a record of the people who do that shit.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Wow , its true , those wernt even insults . Just bad spelling and random nonsense. Our reputation is good only because we're good people and dont tolerate childish acts. I wasnt even aware of him leaving either, should probably be alittle more active. It's odd how we have been slandered by a few players recently, but at least we dont have pricks in the clan now .
Being /acting like a dick and apologizing for being/acting like a dick does not mean that you somehow stop being a dick. For example I could go and tell everyone that your clan sucks and is full of idiots(I know that isn't true). If I apologize afterwards, doesn't mean the impression I left the first time goes away. That is all I'm saying.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Isnt it kinda weird that you had to come apologise what HE did.. Considering what kinda stuff V did.. I'm quite shocked by the fact that you say WE are insulting him after the "apolpgy" HE didn't say.. (No offense (excluding V))
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
I think this case is closed. Reading the posts before this says everything that every member has to say to V. He will always be remembered in our douche list as a flamer.

A little message from me:

as I did some research, I found out that he got kicked out of your clan because he flamed(again) May I ask you why you let him back in the clan again? Knowing that he have been kicked out of another clan because of flaming. What makes you think he won't do it again? He have already done it 2 times(probably more). I gave respect to you guys knowing that you kicked V because he flamed, but then, I lost all respect when he got in again.

I tried to forget your past experiences with us seeing most of your members are good people. I'm not hostile to your clan or the V since I'm the kind of person who likes seeing people burn them selves up, and seeing how you let V in again after flaming, you're doing a pretty good job of burning the clan to the ground(No offense).

Hope you read all this and use it to improve you clan more(Good guy kicks).
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Yep, I have to say that your clan (Deus Ex) and yourself need to make a lot more smarter decisions if you want your clan up and running. People these days make clans for the sake of having cool clan tags, not for the true meanings. Even though I wasn't in the clan war to witness the flaming by the clan, I've already heard enough for my opinion.
Hey guys... I'M BACK! Work load from school was severely reduced this week so I'm going to be playing more. Hopefully you still feel good about me joining the clan! I admit I lost a lot of my skill from not being able to play as much but I will attain it yet again. Don't worry!
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DarkWalk - Maddrummer Studios
Post 3000 is mine for the taking.

Honestly guys, I don't think we should be telling other people how to run their clan.
If their members aren't nice people or you don't like their clan, isn't it best we just keep it to ourselfs instead of letting it dominate our discusions thread.... again.

Or maybe we can make a thread for complaints, one for the suggestions thread?