View Poll Results: Kto ma dzis odpasc??(z tych nie aktywnych)
1 Votes / 4.76%
2 Votes / 9.52%
2 Votes / 9.52%
5 Votes / 23.81%
2 Votes / 9.52%
9 Votes / 42.86%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll
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text = { } -- Blank table
text[1] = "Alladyn"
placey = 200
function draw2dfunc()
ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight = get_window_size()
for i = 1,#text do
add_hook("draw2d","draw", draw2dfunc)

Właściwie to tylko tyle napisać ale to jest oddzielne od moda :P (Ehh no dobra moge to zrobić w modzie, ale bym musiał pisać co najmniej 10 obiektów lub więcej no ale postaram sie zrobić )
/invide im not lieing. Its a hard language to learn. Anyway, why you think im still learning?duh!!!!
@mr. Norbert, I just came here to ask you if we can be allies thats all.
[SOA] is the sexyest clan alive! so join today. newsbash team!

leader of SOA

I've already told you that you are our ally. I can even make special thread for our non-polish-speaking friends. We haven't got allies and enemies thread anymore cuz it's quite useless, don't u think? Gonna move these posts.
ToP Leader
Yeah,i see it. But guys , I can use same help on my polish. Yeah, it is kinda sad that I have been studying the language for 16 years an cant write a current sentence, so im deeply sorry. I just need to learn to write a proper polish sentence , before, I have to go to go to poland in the summer. Or my boss might fire me.
[SOA] is the sexyest clan alive! so join today. newsbash team!

leader of SOA

Originally Posted by Sexion
/invide każdy język jest łatwy do nauczenia.

Originally Posted by Sexion
/invide im not lieing. Its a hard language to learn.

Really the cheapest items in the market. Check it
to go to go to go to Polaaaand
If you want to go to go to go to go to go to Poland, you must drink alcohol.
Gallons of alcohol.
Rest is not so important.
Really the cheapest items in the market. Check it