Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Would you like to see the return of the rep system?
120 Votes / 78.43%
33 Votes / 21.57%
Voters: 153. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by kumi View Post
Seems almost so restricted that it would be pointless.

Besides the staff will still happily abuse that, and farmers will just make a ton of alts.

You do know how the reputation system worked, right?

Someone couldn't just make an alternative account and +rep the main account ...

That alternative account would have to have some reputation points of its own for it to effect anyone else's reputation.
Do remember how much effort would need to go into gave rep to it would say to go and rep someone else. So for each time you wanted to +rep yourself you had to make another account. So if a restriction is placed so that you need 10 posts to rep or be repd it prevents rep farming and allows new users to settle in before being judged.
instead of 10 it should be 50 or 100. noobies don't need to be repping somebody for every little thing that happens. 10 is to easy to achieve anyways
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Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
You do know how the reputation system worked, right?

Someone couldn't just make an alternative account and +rep the main account ...

That alternative account would have to have some reputation points of its own for it to effect anyone else's reputation.

I don't see why you think that is a problem.

Just rep the alt...

I'm not going to teach you how to rep farm, but it should be pretty obvious that it is possible, since it happened.
Originally Posted by Swarfiga View Post
Rep system sucked.
The reputation someone had rarely reflected how much reputation they deserved. Unless it's brought back with a tweaked system (a good well thought out tweaked system) I am completely against it coming back.

I agree with swarfiga, but, it did give us the feeling of having a bigger e-penis, so, I'd like to see it back.

People with a good reputation are talked about, and toribash isn't nearly big enough to depend on a reputation system to spread the news of who is helpful/etc.
Ancient [Evil]
Originally Posted by Beast View Post
I agree with swarfiga, but, it did give us the feeling of having a bigger e-penis, so, I'd like to see it back.

People with a good reputation are talked about, and toribash isn't nearly big enough to depend on a reputation system to spread the news of who is helpful/etc.

Yeah, I agree with Hyde on that, but I'd still like to see it back.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I dont think I was here with the rep system I dont remember it but I think it should start of fresh thus that would cause everyone to want to achieve either their previous rep or surpass it
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and they were shut down quickly enough

people Qi, tc and post farm, we should take all those away aswell.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
How about instead of green bars there's a 1-10 thing where users rate the post, then averaging all the ratings into one number (I.e. 6.7) and shows something like "out of X votes
Last edited by CrazyTaco; May 4, 2012 at 12:47 AM.
pennis and also dicke and balls