Explain any bad history or alts you may have, State all your alts, if you use, if yes when and why.
Also state your previous clans and orgs.
Provide in-game crew with replays and in-game style
Provide personalty pack with an about me paragraph
Provide skills team with proof of any skills and abilities you may have that are TB related (art,market,act)
Heyyyyyy, I am Keoni109... If any of you don't know me, I am a replay maker. I am only a black belt, but that is solely because of the fact that nearly all of my toribash in game activity is focused on replay making, and not on multiplayer. I spend about 1-2 hours a day making replays in game. I occasionally check the multiplayer servers for GMtourneys, or any events as such. I have posted 2 of my replays.
Okay, so about me. I am a 14 year old boy, from Hawaii. I enjoy art, though I am not good at it, playing piano, the drum set, and bodyboarding at the beach. Though I cannot compose art as well as I can critique it, I do understand many things, such as depth perception, blending reactions from awe, to anger, to disgust into the story of the painting, or whatever artwork you are doing. I am a very artistic and creative person, I enjoy hobbies which require some sort of improvisation, and freedom of mind. Toribash is one of these things, it allows you to figure out certain things, such as getting momentum, and things like that. I am generally a friendly person.
I want to join Secret because I want a fun, funny, laid back community that I can be myself in. Secret is known to have very mature players, and I think I can fit in with this community.
Previous clans, TKZ, and SyN. TKZ was disbanded, so I left. I left SyN because Kevin made a very bad move. He resigned his place as the clan leader, and he made someone he previously kicked off the clan the leader. Trikskier has stolen TC from the clan, to buy two flames for himself. Many people were outraged, including me. I left because of that.
Things to note: I am afraid of being TOO laid back in writing applications. When used in the wrong time, they make you sound not too mature.
Anyways, I really hope you will consider accepting me, even though I am a black belt.
Oh yeah, one more thing to add. I have had one alternate account, I forgot his name. I made this account because I met this person once, you may know him, he is notorious for having many alternate accounts for no apparent reason. I forget his username. I thought it would be cool to have another account, don't ask me why. Lol
Last edited by keoni109; Jun 8, 2012 at 05:30 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump