Also, made 20k dueling. I seem to make lots of tc if i duel off of money I win from taekyon tournaments. Good mental note.
(y) good thing changing from justin bieber to whatever thing that is... Still i like it
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
i do clan wars quite often so be very active ingame for starters
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

I'm more active ingame then on forums as you can see from how many posts I have done.
[Edits] Self Editing Robotic Nut of Death. [Edits]
move this conversation to discussion thread
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".