• Belt- Brown (Second Dan)
  • Timezone- USA (+6)
  • Preferable mod- Aikidobigdojo (Depending on how the first two turns go, I change my play style accordingly)
  • Reason for joining- I have wanted to be in an official clan for a while now. After I took a two year break from toribash, I have been looking for a clan that is organized and efficient.
  • Past clans- [SoA], [TLL], and [-ethr]
  • Forum/IRC activity- Good activity on the forums, but I do not go into IRC very often
  • Referral/invitation- Hotshot, FrinJeka, Haxu
  • Infraction/ban history- Was banned for being an alt of a duel scammer, was unbanned when GMs were shown proof of not being his alt.
  • Skill sets (art, replays, video)- I like texturing, but am not very good at it. See replays as attatchments.
  • About yourself- I am 15 years old. I joined toribash in 2010 and took a break from it in 2011. My hobbies include soccer, rock climbing, swimming, reading, and ofc gaming.
  • Any other relevant information- Plorpus was my main account. He was a second dan who is now inactive. Also, I talked to Hotshot and he said single player replays only help slightly. Those are really the only ones i save. Also, FrinJeka says to put the fact that I had an 18 streak in the recruitment server on here.
And for my element I would like to be an Earth Chupacabra.
Attached Files
halfkicks3.rpl (109.6 KB, 5 views)
Punch_turnabout5.rpl (169.9 KB, 5 views)
devastating_punch6.rpl (131.5 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Slant; Jun 26, 2012 at 03:48 AM.
Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt
Timezone: -05:00(East Coast U.S.)
Preferable mod: Tk, Akido, anything Freerunning.

Reason for joining: My old clan is dead and im going to become active again. So I need another clan.

Past clans: MS, Forget and Kill.

Forum/IRC activity: Ive never been much of a forum guy except for the clan Subthread and for events.

Referral/invitation: FrinJeka

Infraction/ban history: I think i had a infraction like 2 years ago about a guy reselling my head. That was all.

Skill sets (art, replays, video): Replays

About yourself: I'm 16. I don't work atm so i have all the free time in the world. Once I get a job I might have to play a bit less.

Any other relevant information: If you want some replays of me I'll have to make them as I do not have any of my old replays anymore. There are some of them in Forget and Kill's clan video on youtube.
Attached Files
Three.rpl (87.8 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by ugottadie; Jun 26, 2012 at 08:42 AM. Reason: Made a replay for our viewing pleasure.
alright heres my app and i thought i would do it free form , considering the element of water fire and air are free flowing and rocks as hard as a beast and stubourne too.
My name is brenton just turned 14 3 days ago i am a black belt with a rank of 7k roughly. I enjoy fighting on toribash and i am extreamly loyal to the clan i am in.

I like to be in clans due to the fact that u meet me new people and carry the loyalty of the clan on u'r back when fighting. My qi is around 1.2 k and i can help the clan due to my activness is high I suck at all toribash art. Inlife I am peaceful spirt who enjoys proving people wrong. my timezone is 10+ i live in australia next to the beach in victoria , geelong.

my perferd mod is nothing since i dont like to be picky. I am not bad at judo thoe
reson for joning is i like the clan element and i wear the brand a lot and i liked the ideas of the elements.
my ban history is bad only becuase of my friend who was pissed of and got me banned bye swearing at a moderator i hope to be allowed in to the clan i really hope to join the clan

plz put dession in pm to me ty

Last edited by sexymango; Jun 26, 2012 at 05:13 AM.
Belt: Black (1457 QI) Rank: 2,000+
Timezone: Eastern standard
Preferable mod: Aikido, Aikidobigdojo, ninjutsu, Quick aikido (mostly Aikido)
Reason for joining: I found the server, and I was told to apply.
Past clans:
Forum/IRC activity: only to buy and sell items (and this app.)
Referral/invitation: I'm not cool enough to have any.
Infraction/ban history :banned for calling myself "niqqeh" (5 days)<----- Yeah, pretty b055
Skill sets (art, replays, video): somewhat decent at graphic art (refer to my profile picture)
About yourself: I play Toribash. Yeah, that's it.
Any other relevant information:
Attached Files
Leg Destroyer.rpl (139.8 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by LagSwitch; Jun 26, 2012 at 05:05 AM.
Slant - You were accepted! Welcome to the clan!

ugottadie, sexymango, and LagSwitch - Pending

lordmaster - Rejected.
..... man waited houres but any how i will look agin in around 10 hourse to c what is happning... i can wait if u r testing patience