Secret Santa 2024
Yeah, a pro noobclap suplexer with no improvision skill like the rest of your clan.
No offense to you bro.:3
Just stating thats all the people this community worships as pros do. Its not really pro at all...
Last edited by Tyzo; Jun 30, 2012 at 12:19 AM.


thats funny kind of seems like ur angry cause my leader can take ur clan down single handed.
Seems like you're making an ass of yourself on our board, this is bad for our recruits.:3
Also, tell your leader to face me any mod except aikido, lets see his so called skill apart from noobclapping and suplexing on big dojo.
Can we take this discussion to whatever that invades thread is called please. =3
This guy wants me to make him cry.
Wait what.

@Drama, its funny cause qi

@Zazo, I told you not to interfare before we post it in the fucking private board.

Drama, have you withdrawn your application or are you still keen? Sorry for Zazo.
I apologise for this post.
You knew nothing about this guy before I posted. He just expressed a bit of himself, now we can contribute more accurate opinions instead of assumptions no?
and its not that serious at all.
With all this talk I'm eager to test how well he can improvise in mods he's not familiar with.
Last edited by Tyzo; Jul 2, 2012 at 01:01 AM.
Zazo, in all honesty I was just messing around.

I knew I wasn't going to be in that clan long because most of these guys are russian.

I basically just told leyz to invite me and he said ya lol I dont think I was even apart of the clan.

Also about mods. I improv alot in mods i dont know. I cant say i am good at every mod but I am pretty decent
I know lol, one question though. Are you that cool at names or you have an alt? If yeah what is it. Just wanna see if I know you.:3
You don't have to tell me if you don't want us to ruin your fresh start, its okay I understand.
It's an alt.

I would tell you who but im trying to build up an persona on drama and if i tell u my alt u will think of me as him and not drama :>

also i still wanna join :< inivite me pl0x.