How bout a stage where the player start just before the stage on the opposite sides facing each other, they get on the stage with them things called stairs.
Optional: The cage and the stages(where the fighters spawn in) should be fairly large and DQ is enabled.
How bout a chase where the pursuer has a ball(300 distance in front of the pursuer--So it can be kicked <3--) and the escapee is running from the guy. The setting should be in an alley. Only pros can make this look ultra cool.
Optional: A wall in front of the escapee so he can make a wall flip dodge.
Optional: make the escapee face the pursuer so it would look like dodge ball.
Gotkicks' request:
Dodge ball. a box the size about 1500 and height of maybe one and a half tori and 2 balls for each player (bouncy :>) make it like the elevator mod where you can only see the outline of the box
One of this should be good enough a suggestion xD if not, then, fuck :c