Application: By Drama.
Name: Drama, My real name is Michael.
Age: 17, I turn 18 on August 16th.
Timezone (GMT): -7 mountain time
Belt: Green, but like 4 games till blue.
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity: I am active in all of that now. So there is no need to worry about activity from me.
Previous clans: I wanted to join Relax All but the whole thing is going down hill. I played like shit yesterday in-front of Hxc and I'm sure I got rejected. I still need to practice wushu some more.
Talents: I am quite decent in most mods. Starting to get more into lenshu and have been practicing
Why you want to join us: The friendship bond you guys have is amazing you guys are willing to stick together till this game dies unlike other clans in which once they die they split apart you guys are already thinking about starting a new clan together and all this good stuff and I want to be part of this amazing friendship and really get to know you guys.
How we can benefit from you as a member: I am a skilled and active member. I know you have heard this before and the person didn't come threw but with me it's different I will do my best to stay active in-game and to post on the forum often.
Thank you