Secret Santa 2024
I'm not sure as to how many holes are below the female's waste but there are only two that I'm concerned with. On a side note note Mocro your 4th sounded lovely chicks dig fireworks.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Looks like Azuremage gets demoted.
It's a shame he doesn't know about them holes.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Mocro you silly, he said he's only concerned about the two holes. Silleh silleh silleh.

Ok who's the shumnut that decided to move the brilliant post milestones thread into the trash bin or whatever


oh ya and
Last edited by papasmurfa; Jul 6, 2012 at 08:18 AM.
Hey sorry I've been a bit inactive lately, it's just that a combination of sports and my jackass of a little brother have kept me away from my laptop. In fact, as we speak, my brother is locked outside my room and hitting the door, trying to persuade me to let him in.
That was me.
Also, I won that gmtourney
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
That was me.
Also, I won that gmtourney

Who gives a damn?

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
I was there it was magnificent he did like 8 backflips over sharks and got a decap.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
I got a no-qi pure timer for winning.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation