Original Post
[S] Full 512x512 [B] Your items with 400k
Today I'll be selling a full 512x512 body textures and buying your items (400k to spend).


-Full 512x512

Price: 300k+ (I'll not accept any offers below this price).
TC only.


Any item you offer me, but I might be not interested in some items, of course. I currently have 400k+ to spend in anything.

I'm mostly interested in joints, textures, full sets and flames, but I can buy other items, feel free to offer anything. Bear in mind that I'll not buy packs, art or collector's items.

Just offer first. And if we get a deal, you send first.

You can check my tc and qi amount here.
Last edited by Rafael; Jul 7, 2012 at 04:49 AM.