[/almost offtopic] I didn't read through all of it, but, by 2010 we might have a good chance in the unification of Einstien's theroy of General Relativity and the Quantum Mechanics, by string theroy, in Scotland (I think) they are building one of the most advanced Atom Smasher in the world, and when they smash the atoms, if they get a Gravaton appering and then disappering, then the String theroy would finnaly be a theroy rather than a philosphy, since String theroy proclaims that there are 11 dimensions, 3 of space, 1 of time, and 7 of alternate, so if the Gravaton appers then dissappers, the gravton has been able to break through our dimension, for in string theroy, every particle, such as photons, are open ended strings that are stuck to our dimension, but not the gravaton particle, it is a loop, so it has the best chance from breaking through out dimension into another alternate dimension.
So if those Strings were actully real than we will be able to unite the General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics into a single, theroy of everything, which would explain the Large, our world the stars and space, and the small, sub-atomic levels, protons, neutrons and quarks, together.
in Scotland (I think) they are building one of the most advanced Atom Smasher in the world, and when they smash the atoms, if they get a Gravaton appering and then disappering, then the String theroy would finnaly be a theroy rather than a philosphy

They are building LHC in Switzerland at CERN (in Geneva). They are looking for the Higgs Boson. String Theory is a theory, and is not 'a philosophy' - it is however incomplete and difficult to test. It is only a philosophy in a sense that things are philosophy - ie., the philosophy of science.

And the 11 dimensions are composed of 10 spatial dimensions and 1 time. The other 7 spatial dimensions are tightly wound up so that it is almost impossible to detect. Imagine looking at a wire from a kilometre away. It looks like a one dimensional line, but it has three dimensions, its just that the other dimensions are so small they are difficult to detect at that range.

It is worth pointing out, for ontopicness, that a Brief History of Time is 20 years old now - and lots of things have happened in the last 20 years (most of Toribash players being born, for example), so it isn't the best source for contemporary theoretical physics. That said, since when was copy/pasting sections from a book a 'discussion' and since when does it qualify as getting one's 'opinions out on this important topic'?
Originally Posted by SpasticMoose View Post
but hawking is dumb

I wouldn't say dumb, and I didn't read everything here so someone may have pointed it out already. But Stephen Hawking also came up with a formula that supposedly proved matter could destroyed. The majority of the scientific community said "Why no Stephen Hawking, that formula is quite bunk." After about a decade he decided to "shock the world" and he publicly announced that he was wrong and matter can not, in fact, be destroyed.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by Modulous View Post
String Theory is a theory, and is not 'a philosophy' - it is however incomplete and difficult to test.

Well it hasn't yet to be proved, and as you said, difficult to be tested, the strings are unimaginably small, that if an atom was as big as our solar system, a string would b, as big a tree, yes i have been wrong, thank you for pointing that basterd (<---kidding)
it feels good to have an intelligent talk with each others dosen't it?

oh and zipher or however you spell your name, I dont care, Hawking has accomplished more then you would wish to, so keep your s**t to your self.
Originally Posted by Zeipher View Post
join goons we are gay

This man has the idea
I'm not black like Barry White no I am white like Frank Black is