Originally Posted by UmadBro75 View Post
Previous clans:N/A
How active are you:i go on the forums atleast 6hrs a day and play toribash alot
fav. mods:akkido,akkidobigdojo,twinswords,wushu
why do you want to join the clan:because i think this clan has alot of expectations for me and it will make me have a good start in toribash
what will you offer into the clan:i will bring the clan a good fighter and smarts to be the best clan there ever is

You seem be mature and cool ...
So,I liked your app,I say yes
Imagine something cool here
Umadbro75, I vote yes for your application. I think you might make a valuable member to the clan.
[Edits] Self Editing Robotic Nut of Death. [Edits]
You must wait until Sarutobi get's on and review's your application and accept's it.
[Edits] Self Editing Robotic Nut of Death. [Edits]
UmadBro75: One thing that doesn't really make sense to me is if you are truly on the forums for six hours a day, why would you only have seven posts? 7 posts in 186 hours of being on the forums would be a tad ridiculous in my opinion. Regardless, the other members seem to like you and you don't seem like a dickhead so I'm going to accept you under a probationary status. Once you've proven your activity by posting once in awhile in our forums, I will grant you full membership status. Invite sent.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
well i dont post on the forums for six hours.i see other peoples post thats why i said i go on the forums atleast 6 hours a day not i post 6 hours a day
I know, but I still would think that you'd post every once in awhile. Regardless, I'm sure you'll be active in the forums, so no worries.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]