Christmas Lottery
wanna play some now? i can go online just add me (mogamboi)

Edit: me and kradox played yesterday, him as brand me as olaf. The first thing my enemy does (solo top) is flashing to my tower killing himself then the other one randomly flashes that gives me an advantage. The game went fine and then wep layed dominion which was though in the end cuz we won with 5 points.

Kradox is a nice player overall
Last edited by koor; Jul 20, 2012 at 11:50 AM.
Koor, imma add you when im back home, so we can have one or two rounds ;)

@granby: if you want me to do a favor you could state me as your referrer when creating an account. This will give me some little advantage (IP). Would be awesome since this thread got you to the game :P
Well count i thod you already added me (my request may still be pending)
also Granby feel free to add me (mogamboi)
<@Scorp> koor i love you
@koor: sry dude dont rly know
But i will check and add you again when im back home ;)
@killer: yeah malz can be kinda hard to play bu since he got some updates for his little minion it will be better soon i guess. Btw, i can just tell every caster to use smartcast, iwt makes things way easier. For malz especially to get the maximum from his pool/ult combo.

Btw, just turned lvl 30 before i went to holidays and must admit that this is way harder to play i lost like the first 5 or 6 games in a row since there were some hard guys in the queue
Well i'm kind of rusty atm, haven't played for long but yeah i could play some brolaf with ya if you want
<@Scorp> koor i love you