Hey i want to make a external TTF FORUM(with boards in it) for us,because the shit with the goons are dam irritating,and also then the leaders and council leader can be mod so what do you guys think?and it will have many forums in it for other uses so it will be larger than this one,so anyway you will also be able to have pictures in your sig for FREE,and i will make special ranks,like in tb its junior member/member/senior member/ub3r but i will make special ones,it will also have forum skins so you could change your forum look.also it comes with pre-installed avatars if you want to use one it offers.so tell me what you think.also we will still use this one but this could be temporary till TB gets sorted out.
NO he made so Porcupine stuff and you only have one forum that you have to share and also its not that nice to use etha and i allready made it and ill post it if you want,but yeah its a whole bunch of forums for us,a full one and i likes the new titles and the images in the sig thing,and it haz da skins,so i am going to give the link.here it is:
btw i made the avatars sizes for the forum bigger so a avatar can be up to 200x200 and also first to a certain amount of post gets a custom title.so yeah and also theres a forum for mods and Admin to communicate and only they can see.