Christmas Lottery
lol aww for the toxic but thanks for the rest

hope you lots of luck with ure shop !!!

Ps: edit ure posts saying sold on th e items so people will know
^ Just spammed

Gtfo of my thread if your gonna spam.


You said lol salty balls.
Last edited by tortele; Aug 1, 2008 at 04:06 AM.
ayylmaos are real
I kind of doubt it, but noxious force for toxic force? if not, here's my inventory, see if there's anything you like.
EBeezy's Inventory Sale <- Good items for low prices!
I know the toriexchange.
Would you trade titan user text for your Noxious user text? thx.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D