Christmas Lottery
Never mind the opener, that boom was fucking awesome. The punch was pretty good but I am pretty sure you could get a boom there.

That replay was probably the least stylish you've made but eh, it's still a great replay.
The kick looked very destructive, but as spry said, you can get a boomhit on the punch.
The non existent opener was probably the most negative part of the replay.
oh yeah
LargekillaTamaKuu Style
Holy fuck bro! How did you get better that fast!?
I mean, just 4 months ago you had it hard to even make an pose without twitching.
Man, stop being awesome!

(Rate ten out of ten)
My dream has come true. <3. Look forward to seeing a lot more of me here.

@Hours Thanks man. I couldn't of done it without a lot of the helping hands given here.

Take a look at this edit I did for jisse. As you CnC my addition, CnC for him as well and I'll just talk to him about what's said here.

Original Replay
Attached Files
the goblin
About Jizz's part, I loved what he did with the skeet but I think that the opener could have been more creative.
The chest boomhit was powerful though, it was great.

Your part was the most explosive, the 4 dm boomhit looked very destructive, and I loved the flippy thing.

I know you already noticed, but I usually don't give you out many useful tips, but that happens because unfortunatly our styles are opposite. The only thing I can tell you from this replay is that the knees looked a bit stiff in midair, I usually relax or completely extend them.
oh yeah
Yeah, our styles are different. But I truly admire your style. I'm trying to manage to mix in a bit of a sparring style as well as a destructive style.

Thank you anyway though. You did help me out through tough replay times, as well as the many other guys in the thread.
the goblin
Great replay.
Its all I can say. *Remember to check the whole text*

The only thing that could've been improved was the spin in mid-air. Your knee looked abit stiff there. (As pusga said)
Otherwise, everything was perfecto.
Hahaha, thats awesome!
The only flaw I could see was the random opener. (When I say random I mean alot of uncessecery joints were moved)
Random is ALWAYS good
You did get to practice a tonshit of skeets
I loved the replay
The jump2decap was pretty awesome, I'm surprised you didn't fly to orbit
The crotch kick was also great, but a bit of work would have made it a boomhit.
oh yeah