Originally Posted by Course View Post
Wyver, that's what happens when you steal from [Extreme]

Told you you'd regret it badly. Good game mah friend.

Anyways, so, I'm up for a clan whore. Anyone else?

I should totally get clan-war priveledges d:

Who the hell is wyver?
Nonono, don't clanwar pls.
The system is still broken and it might ruined the scores D: so yah.
And we're not merging, we're just... Migrating.
Good war bros, we will beat you one day once we get our skills back :P. We...Really don't play like this at all.
Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
nu, you an voicefeg follo moi.
btw lololerz, too late.
may is raping -Horror.
6-2 atm.

Thats how things work. Nobody likes me so everyone feigns inactivity until I leave and then people join when im in the corner sweating out of my eyes/crying.
Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
nu, you an voicefeg follo moi.
btw lololerz, too late.
may is raping -Horror.
6-2 atm.

It feels like you guys just left without even telling me but i forgiv yu.

Warring = ABD for nao too?

1000 pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo..o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.....ooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo

......................................oooooooooooo ooost.!!! :O
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
nu, you an voicefeg follo moi.
btw lololerz, too late.
may is raping -Horror.
6-2 atm.

May's always raping clans in a war.
Last time she had a 5 kills streak against fl0w in rk-mma.

Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
Thats how things work. Nobody likes me so everyone feigns inactivity until I leave and then people join when im in the corner sweating out of my eyes/crying.

Well, we raised our activity for some time before you left.
Also the real awsum peoples just joined(former Electric feags).

Koor, congratulations.
also yea, most of the time we're warring at Aikido.
Guys I am very, very sorry for doing this but my friend Klux(Shigechio) invited me to join his clan and I just couldn't say no. It looks like I am a little clan hopping. I really will miss you guys. But I wish you the best and will do anything in my power to help you become official.
Sincerly, Holk.
We gonna beat you someday XP. But that was a fun war, anyways I hope it's okay for me to post here etc,. Does anyone have any good Horror movies or games I can get?