You guys are mad, you're not oldschool. :V

Well most of the cool people left, now tb is full of wannabes :<.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
You guys are mad, you're not oldschool. :V

Well most of the cool people left, now tb is full of wannabes :<.

Actually my firt account was from 2009 :L
@BenDover: If were talking about the clan league where Alpha won the right to getting the "Alpha Imperial" color, along with the first flames that were released- no. We beat you guys. But regardless: we were both very very high clans

We played Alpha in the finals and lost. That I know for fact. Losing the finals was what made Sahee leave Toribash and thus Maldi and Shec leave to Alpha
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
You guys are mad, you're not oldschool. :V

Well most of the cool people left, now tb is full of wannabes :<.

Am I a wannabe?
Originally Posted by snake View Post
the deal is some time ago game was appealing by being innovative, indie and such, not because you can run it on ancient shit pc with horrid internet connection, while now it's the main factor why tb is anyhow "popular".

this is the difference. Let's say person decided to play tb because it's something creative and indie, and compare to person that decided to play tb because he can't play any other game due his internet connection and/or extremely outdated pc from old brother or something among these lines.

There is great stagnation in Toribash right now. Game is like 'abandoned child'. No real progress, just some minor tweaks.
Sure, it looked and felt totally radical when I first found out about it, and it kept me playing for 3 and a half years, but when it's all the same year after year, nothing new, you have to lost interest.
Social part of it is completely different story. Once you meet some ppl here you just can't leave. Probably because TB gather (and hold) very specific audience, very specific type of people.
For some reason game is not evolving. It's not going in any direction, good or bad, it just... Standing still.

And to get back to talk about legends:
Sometimes legends should stay legends.
It's more about nostalgia for that lovely feeling when we all enjoyed the game, when all was new to us and when we had our first encounters with 'legends' (players that were here before we joined and were more experienced in game).
I witnessed some of the legends became legends, and some fade away leaving just a memory and nostalgia. But, that was just a small part of things that were transpiring before.
For me, best years were late 2008 and whole 2009.

It's hard to admit change of generations, but it is happening and in time we (dinosaurs) will also 'fade away'.

Feeling this I started project RIFT. Wanted to 'put on paper' people and clans to stay in some kind of 'time chest' on forum so when new generation comes they would be able to know about old players and, in some way, to keep the memories.
But, as people started 'fading' same happened to my enthusiasm for it. Too much of nostalgia can make you moody and it can eat away artsy feelings. :/

You also start to forget some things, with time.

Anyway, I wrote the novel on the subject it seams... XD

TL; DL - watch the music spot below

Last edited by 8OJ4N; Aug 18, 2012 at 12:22 AM.
Making a thread bitching about people you don't even know does indeed make you a wannabe. kthnx
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Originally Posted by Deadmau5 View Post
Making a thread bitching about people you don't even know does indeed make you a wannabe. kthnx

Damn straight brother, listen to this man you bunch of wannabe-haters.
Originally Posted by SatinFabrishe View Post
Damn straight brother, listen to this man you bunch of wannabe-haters.

Lol Zayex is banned.
Arisen from the dead.