cozza: no, it is technically a drug because it can cause an addiction. Mainly a mental addiction, and not that strong, but still possible, which makes it pretty much a drug. The whole weed discussion is useless, since you can barely compare it to other drugs, because it's harmless. There is no overdose, you have to smoke
alot (and I mean really alot over years and so on) to face consequences and you dont feel dizzy the next morning. If you compare this to alcohol (at least in my country, where you can buy alc with 16): Yearly around 40,000 dead only by consum (not included drunk accidents, long-time-consequences etc. Just drinking till they collaps and die).
Anyway, I dont want to try to convince you for any reason, that would be stupid.
But I just wanted to tell that so you can maybe think about "drugs" in general, since weed is a good example of how a drug gets abandoned while alc is still legal ^^
Argh, as you can see, I'm way to biased with this topic
But it's very interesting to read some stuff about that.
@soul: Ohhhhh, I rly thought you ment like 11 and a half years old girl
well, 13 is still very young :/
Alcohol problem, huh? How much and what do you drink when you're home alone? ;)