Original Post
I thought to try the making signature thing again. I need some input if i'm doing well.

Signature :
Note - I know it says JiloRapEEE I can change it if you need proof its mine.
Focal is too obscured, badly placed. Rule of 3rds until experienced enough to otherwise place focals wherever.
Make the arm thats holding the axe a little less "glowy" on the bottom. Darken the whole bottom of the guy a little bit darker, for shading purposes.

Red: Looks like just an erased part of the render. Blending doesn't look right when you do this.

White: I would add some lighting effects here. Even if it's something as simple as a soft white brush.

Yellow/Blue: The yellow is what the effects you used made the flow like. Blue is where I would have gone with the flow based on the render.

The rule of thirds isn't always to be followed, but generally it's a good guide to focal placement. The red circle is where the focal of your sig should be. The green X's are where you want to place the focal on a piece.

tl;dr: No lighting, depth, or flow. Overall a very boring tag.