Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Don't worry, I'm still here.

disregard this, because I decided to stop by
Originally Posted by Dothgar View Post
1. Head hunter achivement doesn't mean shit, you could play twin swords
your whole life
2. Shitposting isn't a talent

1. all decaps made in quick aikido and in betting servers.
2. being active in many places does not make it shitposting.
How about you get some correct facts before talking shit?
toxiik is probably the most redarded asthinine concept of a human being I've ever seen since geroge w. bush.

This thread is about oldschoolers. Why is this newfag attention-whoring?

I don't give a shit if I'm back-seat moderating. Kill him, kill him with fire. B&B&B&B&

Chozo Moderated Message:
User was banned for being a smug asshole with a superiority complex.
Last edited by Chozo; Aug 21, 2012 at 12:45 PM.
Originally Posted by rittu View Post
well this toxiik fellow isn't really giving the best first impression

he doesnt care
he's newschool, oldfags are so mainstream, fight the power
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 20, 2012 at 11:28 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
he doesnt care
he's newschool, oldfags are so mainstream, fight the power

I blame the school system for this.
I lovr how i just reply to some “oldfag“ writing an idiotic message to me and when i reply im the one well, zayex made up some brilliant names. i dont mind old players overall but you guys just made me. Im out of this thread, cya<3
Damn you fish for banning me for a few hours, I wanted to gloat on that account. Oh well.

I made him ragequit, yay.
Oh, and for the record. I'm not an oldfag, I'm from 2009, so I'm an oldish-newfag.

Well, it goes like this.

2006 = Hampa's friends, 2007 = oldfags, 2008 = oldish fags, 2009 = newish-oldfags, 2010 = oldish-newfags, 2011 = newish fags, 2012 = newfags, 2013+ = fags.
Last edited by S8in; Aug 20, 2012 at 01:05 PM. Reason: ur mom
Looks like toribash hasn't changed.
a Bunch of trolls,oversensitive moderators and every thread results in a argument.
But I do like old-school players.The nice ones,anyway.
Last edited by Lord_old; Aug 20, 2012 at 04:58 PM.